I start my bcp tomorrow. So the prep for IVF #4 begins.
As always, I hoped we would have a BFP this month, naturally, but that is apparently my denial.
On day 17 of the bcp I am set to start up the lupron injections although I have to attend an "injection class" before that day. It seems silly since I've injected myself for 3 previous cycles with so many drugs, but this new clinic makes it mandatory so I won't argue.
I really do like how easily I can plan things with the bcp first. I have actually marked off all of my mornings starting 2 days after the bcp and for 3 weeks after. So the only dates that I'll have to reschedule clients are on the retrieval/transfer days. I DO love to plan ahead.
Otherwise, we just got back from a week vacation at a cottage with friends. It was fun and I feel good.
So I'm ready for IVF #4. Here we go again.