Monday, February 21, 2011

Movement? *edited to add books*

I'm feeling little "feelings" over the past couple of days.   I'm pretty sure it's my first feelings of movement b/c it's consistently over the babies.  I like to chat to which ever one I'm feeling moving around.
I am expanding rather quickly over the past 2 weeks.  The difference is very noticeable to people who see me every few days.
And continuing my addiction with books about babies, I'm learning some great tips.  I'm so excited!  This really is the first time in my life that I haven't felt nervous about such a major change.  I guess the 3.5 years of infertility gave me lots of time to prepare for this one!
Books I'm currently loving:
The Everything Baby's First Year Book
The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems
Raising Twins
I know some people don't "agree" with some of these authors but I'm loving just learning about development and suggestions for getting into patterns and interpreting behaviours.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It looks like both our babies are boys.  She didn't absolutely commit to Baby A but the screen shot she showed us looked very "boy".  Baby B is definitely a boy.
I think I've always thought  I wanted boys.  But the second that I heard both were boys, I felt a little sad.  How crazy is that?  5 months ago I figured that I would never have children and now I had a moment of disappointment that they weren't a mix of sexes.  Of course, I'm over that now.
They looked great.  Baby A is 130g and Baby B is 135g so very close in size.
My cervix and blood pressure were great.  And our DS risk is 1:2080 for each of them (on my age alone it was 1:250 so this is quite a good ratio now).  The internist went through some headache and heartburn tips with me so I'm feeling good about some possible changes in that area.
So all in all, a great visit.
Next up March 3rd Anatomy scan.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Random positive and negative thoughts

I'm really enjoying reading baby books now.  It feels so nice to move forward and feel excited about things.  I'm continuing to have headaches, but I'm not complaining.  They're livable and worth it.  I'm pretty must just a ball of optimism here.  Our next ultrasound is this Thursday.  I'm wondering if we'll get to find out the sexes yet, or if that will have to wait for the anatomy scan in a few more weeks.  I have my maternity clothes now, and definitely started to pop this last week.  I've researched baby stuff and am planning on going on a big shopping trip for some of those things in 2 weeks.

On another notes, I've read thoughts like this from several other people over the years, so I know these thoughts are common, but here are mine anyway.
It's amazing how happy I am and how drastically this pregnancy changed everything.  Just before this 5th IVF, I had finally started to except that we couldn't get pregnant, but I was definitely depressed about it.  But even with this happiness and optimism, I still have pangs of feeling about people talking about getting pregnant instantly.  Also about clients who obviously don't deserve to be parents, but continue to add to their family.  I'm pretty sure this will never go away.  It feels like something that's changed in me.  I'm more bitter about this stuff and still feel jealous.  And the ignorant comments still piss me off and make me sad at the same time.
I feel so sad and emotional for all of you that I'm still following, who haven't made it out yet (and I know technically that I still haven't - but my optimism makes it feel that way).  I know that sadness and I think it's so unfair anyone has to feel it.  I'm hoping and routing for all of you everyday.
Fuck you infertility!