Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Still going...

I am still in the hospital, the babies are still little but doing well, and my life is too boring for much of an update!
As of today, the Dr. thinks my c-section will be Monday or Tuesday but I'll know for sure after a growth scan on Saturday. So much for a Canada Day birthday!
They check the umbilical cord flow everyday, along with fetal heart monitoring every 4 hrs. So it's pretty reassuring. The food sucks, and I'm officially bored (although my iPhone/ipad combo is very helpful) but I am pretty happy to have universal health care at the moment. It's nice not to have to worry about money while this is going on.
I love my dr. and nurses, so that's good stuff.
Alright, that's all I've got!

Monday, June 20, 2011


So there isn't much to say. I'm laying around most of the day. Life is the hospital is pretty boring. But so far, the daily ultrasounds have still shown just an intermittent blood flow issue. As long as it is continuous, the babies stay in. Now I'm still not sure if that will keep up after 35 weeks. Since the babies just aren't growing a lot, the 35 week mark may trigger delivery.
Now that the weekday staff is back, I'm hoping to get that answered.
So, all's well!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well, I've been admitted to the high risk maternity ward. Baby A is now in the 10 percentile but more importantly, his cord is having a blood flow problem. So u/s daily now and if it worsens at all, they deliver. Doc thinks anytime from 1 to 10 days.
So definitely NICU time. Right now our little guy is 3lbs 10 oz and the bigger guy is only 4lbs 2 oz. I know they should be ok. We're at 34 weeks. Just wish we'd go a little longer.
And man, I'm hot in this hospital!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Little babies

I have little babies in there. Baby A is now in only the 14th percentile (dropping steadily from 30 over the past couple of months). It means he is 2 weeks behind and only 3lbs.
Baby B is 3 lbs 9 oz which is better, in the 30th percentile.
Apparently this drop is quite normal with twins, it's just happening a little early AND the babies are starting out so small.
So they will be born early. I've been worried about it but am wrapping my head around it now. The Dr thinks we have 2 more weeks, so grow babies grow!