Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We came home on Friday afternoon. I was overwhelmed with emotion and cried most of the way home. I have babies! And being away from my home and dogs for almost 5 weeks plus sitting in the back watching them sleep in their car seats - wow.
They/we have settled into a routine really rather easily so far. I BF one baby while my husband feeds the other baby expressed milk. We have been "topping up" each baby with formula. Then we change, swaddle and put them to bed. Then I pump for 15 mins to get my supply up. The last few feeding cycles we haven't had to use formula which I'm pretty excited about. It's amazing how our boobs work! I have even been successful tandem feeding once, but am being cautious with this b/c one baby gets angry with the breast feeding quickly, and I don't want to lose him.
They have so many differences already.
We're living on very little sleep but I love it all. I'm in post partum bliss I guess.
Harrison James and Quinten Hugh
I'll post pics as soon as I get to my laptop. I'm living with my iPhone/ipad and am too lazy to turn on the laptop so far (don't know how to post pics on iPhone app).