Sunday, July 10, 2011


I'm not sure what I want to say.
But tomorrow everything changes.

Tomorrow is what we've been waiting for, for at least the last 4 and a half years, if not for most of our lives. It seems unreal today. Even though I've felt the babies kicking and rolling for months. My belly has gotten bigger and bigger. The pains in my groin, my back, my hands. It just seems unreal that this turns into babies.

All the ups and downs, the hope and the depression. I really did feel it would never happen. Several times. I started to imagine my life without this dream. And all I could see was endless sadness.

My husband and I grew closer, I believe. But what would have happened if we were never successful?

Infertility is unique. No one can really understand it, unless faced with it. No one can see it. There are worse things in this world. But often it doesn't feel that way.

I still feel twinges of jealousy when people announce their easy road to pregnancy. I still feel anger at people asking me private questions about our family. I feel sadness for people that I know who are still "stuck". I believe this will never go away.

Some people think my husband and I don't seem excited enough. We are. It's just unreal. And after everything, I think these babies need to be in our arms before we can really release.

I've visualized and imagined this life change for so long now but I can't really imagine it, can I?

Tomorrow, everything changes.


  1. Very well said! Tomorrow does change everything but in an oh so good way! I don't believe those that make it to the other side ever forget the great effort that it took them to get there, but maybe they aren't supposed to forget. All I know is that you have two little lucky babies who will be born to parents who want them so much that they labored for four and a half years to bring them into this world. Hoping for a wonderful birthday tomorrow!

  2. Yay tomorrow! So excited for you and can't wait to hear all about the little ones.

  3. I felt the exact same way leading up to my second daughter's birth. It won't feel real until you see them and hold them. From the moment you hold them you will never be the same. Cliched......but so so true.

  4. Well said. This line speaks to me especially: "There are worse things in this world. But often it doesn't feel that way."

    I'm so excited for tomorrow. To brighter days!

  5. Hope everything went well for you. Can't wait to get an update. Take care
