I had a busy week but yet almost every second of the day that I wasn't busy, I can't help but think about my symptoms. I'm very hopeful but very worried. A third failed IVF is such a huge deal. Especially with how well I responded this time, but in the end having poor egg quality. Can any of my eggs actually make a baby?
I had sharp pains on 4dp3dt. They only lasted about 30 seconds but happened about 4 times during the morning. Then most nights I've felt generally crampy, AF crampy. Now today I'm worried that I'm at the beginning stages of a headache. My boobs are sore, but they always are with progesterone. So basically, my symptoms are non-descript, as usual at this stage of the cycle. Today is 7dp3dt and I'm going to test early on 9dp3dt. I definitely can't wait for the beta.
8 years ago
Just checking in to see how you are doing. Fingers crossed for you!