On Thursday I had retrieval. It didn't go quite as easily as my past retrieval's so I haven't been up to blogging until now.
We got 12 oocytes, 8 mature. 5 have fertilized and I've been told today (day 2) that we have 2 4-celled, grade A and a grade A-. The other 3 are 2-celled. 2 are grade A and 1 grade B. So transfer will be a 3 day transfer again. And there will most likely not be any freezing. I guess switching clinics didn't change my egg quality magically.
I had a lot of bleeding after retrieval. A LOT. They kept me there 3 hours longer than normal b/c of the bleeding and a bout of low blood pressure. I then bled all yesterday too. It stopped last night. I was supposed to go back in this morning if the bleeding hadn't stopped, but it did. In total though, I bled more than I do during my periods. I had a lot more pain this time too. This was the first time that I had anesthetic so I wasn't awake for the procedure, but the pain following had me ready to pass out for a couple of hours until they gave me demerol! I haven't needed any meds before so I found that odd. No one knew why I had the extreme pain or why I had so much bleeding. Today the nurse told me that maybe I got my period early. This was the most insane answer I could have expected. When I pointed out to her that I wouldn't have a lining for tomorrow's transfer then, she backtracked and seemed confused.
We've had far too much experience with IVF to not find all of these things strange. So tomorrow when we're there for the 3-day transfer we're going to start the whole process looking for answers. I don't want to go ahead with a transfer if something is wrong. I think we need an explanation for these things before we transfer our little embyros. Should we be trying to get them to freeze instead of transferring? Ahhh...new problems.