Monday, January 24, 2011

Quick update

I've been away for a week on vacation and then on a physiotherapy course.  So I haven't kept up with my commenting.  I've been reading but I apologize for being a bad commenter.
I'm continuing to feel good with little to report.  Our next Dr. appointment isn't until February 10th, so the only updates I have for now are symptoms and shopping!  I plan to start my shopping plan next weekend just because I can!  I know it's still early to shop but I figure I've waited 4 years for this so I'm moving forward.
I found myself looking at double strollers every time I saw one this past week.  It's hard to say whether I should get a tandem one or a double-wide.  They both seem to have advantages/disadvantages.  I've been offered a single stroller from a friend that I think I'll take as well.  It could come in handy when grandparents just want to take one baby/child along with them.
Otherwise, I'm enjoying reading other people making purchasing decisions.  What a great network we have here!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Like I said earlier, our nuchal test came back quite good. He asked if we wanted to do CVS and we told him we decided against it. Otherwise, I met with an internist who specializes in pregnant women and she gave me a medication I can try for my migraines. I've always had migraines, I just always used to be able to drug up. Now they aren't leaving. She said that I likely won't need the meds much b/c my hormones have just peaked and things will get better now. I have to say, I've had a pretty easy 1st trimester.
It just seems so so strange to have positive things happening. You get so used to negative news and moods that it is hard to fully except the good stuff. I'm definitely getting there though.
Cutest thing, my mom has been collecting baby items for the past 4 years. She never told me b/c of all of our trouble. Yesterday she showed me her spare room with it all laid out and it was crazy. Im not sure I'll have to buy a single item!
My poor coworker had to deliver her stillborn babies today. What a terrible thing to go through. I'm thoughtful of how hard it could be for her to be around me in the near future.

Friday, January 14, 2011


My co-worker, the first girl I hired when I opened my business 6 years ago, just lost both of her twins, in-utero at 27 weeks. I am just devastated for her. I can't image how painful this must be.
I had my nuchal testing, among other things, yesterday. Everything is normal but it doesn't sound as reassuring anymore.
I'm so sad.

Friday, January 7, 2011


One of the babies died at 7 weeks, about 3 days after my last ultrasound.  It was a little sad to see that, now that I've gotten my head around triplets.  But no matter how I think about it, I think twins is a better situation for us.  I think I might even feel a little guilty that I feel that way.  But there it is.
We have a "multiples specialist" for our OBGYN who we met yesterday.  He said that I'll be there about every 2nd week.  Nice to know we'll be that monitored now.  The 2 babies are measuring well, one at 39mm and the other at 44mm.  Apparently he doesn't think it's a big deal that they are already quite different in size.  He also said that our chance of miscarrying now is less that 1% because we had strong heartbeats past 10 weeks.
So we started telling people important to us today.  It feels weird and very unreal.  We can move on with planning things and buying things now.
Next week, we go back for the nuchal scan.  We have to make a decision about CVS or amniocentesis or neither, between now and then.  He thinks that if the nuchal scan is suspect that we should do CVS.  It seems so odd that the risk of DS is less than 1% and the risk of miscarriage after CVS is about 1%.  Huh.
Anyway, twins for us!  What a different feeling from 3 months ago.