Friday, January 14, 2011


My co-worker, the first girl I hired when I opened my business 6 years ago, just lost both of her twins, in-utero at 27 weeks. I am just devastated for her. I can't image how painful this must be.
I had my nuchal testing, among other things, yesterday. Everything is normal but it doesn't sound as reassuring anymore.
I'm so sad.


  1. Oh no, that is so awful. Why such terrible things happen, I'll never know.

    Glad your nuchal testing went well. Hang in there.

  2. That is horrific. I don't understand it...there can be nothing that could cause more heartache.

    I'm so sorry for your friend and for the fear it is causing you as well.

  3. So sorry to hear this. Terrible news.

    I'm glad the NT scan were great.

  4. This is just beyond awful. I have a friend who experienced something similar and there are just no words. Thinking of you and your friend.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this news. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
