Monday, March 15, 2010

CD 7, things are different this time..

Today my u/s showed 3 follicles over 10mm (12mm at the most) and a total of 19 little ones!  If you've followed my other cycles, you will know that this is insanely different than I've ever had.  CD7 in the first cycle showed 5 (I think) ranging from 10 to 20mm.  CD7 in the second cycle showed 7 ranging from 10 to 12mm.  But there were never a whole bunch of little guys that may or may not respond to stimulation.  I may be jumping ahead here, but today sounded like a NORMAL IVF cycle.  I told the doctor I've never had numbers like these and she said not to get too excited until the next couple of visits to see if many of the little guys are stimulating.
But I am.  Things are different.  That's got to be a good thing.

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