Monday, October 19, 2009

The Visit

The ultrasound for antral follicle count showed 6 follicles on each side, but a 1.3 cm one on the right (again).  Why do I always have a cyst on this ovary?  Last time it was closer to 2.0 cm but it would have been drained on retrieval day, so this is another one.  Everytime I have had a u/s, I have a cyst on the right.  I'm aware of the pain every few cycles on my right.  One time I passed out when I "burst".  The thing is, my blood work is consistently off as well.  Last IVF cycle the Dr. told me at some point that the cyst probably had nothing to do with my low ovarian reserve issue, but today she had written orders not to proceed with IVF if I had any follicles bigger than 1.0 cm.  I am totally OK with this because I had a mid-November cycle in my mind anyway.  I'm only concerned that the cyst will still exist NEXT month and I'll be told to wait again.  I asked what they do if the cyst is there and have been told "lets just wait and see if it IS there".  Maybe they only care b/c it is only 3 weeks since my last IVF?  Maybe in another month this little cyst with my odd blood work doesn't matter?  I really hate that I have so many questions that can never be answered.  We do meet with the Dr. on November 4th though, so I guess answers are coming.
So no IVF until mid-November.
The real positive of today was that I had 12 antral follicles! It's not a huge number but it's significantly better than 8.  It puts me in the 48% success from IVF group instead of 41%.  So that's promising.  And we have this new protocol to look forward to too.  I asked the nurse about this protocol but they just don't seem to be able to give me the detailed information I want.  Again, the Dr. appointment November 4th will help with these questions.
So, I have a month and then it all begins again.  Excited!

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