The short version is, it went well. I feel really good with our answers and am excited to start priming with estrace in 5 days (day 21). I had 13 follicles on u/s again today so maybe the retrieval numbers will be higher this time.
I have to write a long version too. Partly b/c I am talkative and partly b/c I laughed about 3 times today, and that's surprising at these appointments.
Our doc went through our IVF attempt and we discussed what worked/what didn't and why it might have failed. Apparently they just did rounds on low ovarian reserve and she wants to try the estrogen priming protocol with me. She said we shouldn't start the next cycle until January b/c I'm probably too late to start priming now (and the next cycle would run into the Xmas break). I asked how it was that I was going to start a cycle 2 weeks ago, and now she's saying January. She was shocked that the orders said to start in October and admitted she made a mistake. Really, I'm not upset with this mistake, b/c "it happens" but I told her that I was upset with the nursing staff whom I called 3 different times to clarify these orders with. They were irritated that I asked saying thing like "the doctor wouldn't order a cycle if she didn't think you were ready" and empty comments like that. Today our doc said, "to be honest, I think someone told me you were desparate to start a new cycle and I didn't realize you JUST finished one". I laughed b/c I specifically asked a nurse once that I was cancerned she was starting me on a new cycle too early b/c I had cried on day 1 after a failed IVF and didn't want to wait 4 months to start again. That nurse was pissed at me, think it absurd that a doc would make a decision based on that. Why the fuck, didn't ANY one of the nurses I spoke with ever go back to the doc and question these orders? Idiots.
Something fun to share with other TTCers who know what every twinge, CM, and temp change means; doc said she wanted to u/s me to see what cycle day I was on, therefore whether or not it was too late to start estrace. Docs never believe I know my cycle that well, but I told her anyway. "I have eggwhite CM still but felt twinges on my left ovary so I think I'm ovulating today. Remember I have a cyst on my right so if you see a large follicle there, it's not b/c I'm about to ovulate". She laughed and I doubt she believed me. But the u/s showed a corpus luteum and fresh fluid at the left suggesting I ovulated last night. I love being right about this shit since doc after doc thinks they know more than I do about my cycles!
And my final "funny" thing revolved around our feeling of poor communication with the doc during and after IVF. We had several times in the past couple of months where i wanted a real answer instead of the nurses "im sure it will be ok" or "everythings normal" crap. She was awesome with our complaints, again apologetic about the mix up with her orders for early IVF, but wrote down that if we want, we can ask for her to call us to answer any questions during this cycle. Now that we've been through it, we probably won't gave any for her, but it's nice to have the option. She also thanked us for the feedback and it seemed genuine. So we go into the meeting with the nurse re: medication education and she says "I see here that there was a communication problem with your first cycle. What's that about?". My first instinct was to say "none of your f'ing business" b/c it's been worked out and I was feeling good. Instead I told her briefly about the doc putting down the wrong orders, me knowing it, but 3 different nurses telling me nothing was wrong. Nurse responds "well, that's the doctors fault, it's not our fault". My husband said sarcastically (which only I picked up on) "yeah yeah, it definately wasn't your fault" which made me stiffle giggles for the rest of that meeting. She thought it was SO important to find blame, instead of just learning from the issue. I was very pleasant the whole time too, so she wasn't just responding to my tone. Whatever. I assume this whole IVF cycle will be followed with the orders "communication problem" now which will be interesting to watch how I'm treated.
Off to order up the next batch of IVF meds...
8 years ago
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