Saturday, November 6, 2010


We have 9 fertilized.  I know that I should be happy with that number as I've only had that high of a number once before, but I'm disappointed.  It's just the same stats as every other time, which makes it hard not to imagine that the same stats will be our outcome.  5 were immature, just a little below the average.  5 didn't fertilize (with ICSI), again just a little below the average.  We're always just a little below the average.  And I always hope/think that THIS time we'll be above average and get a surprise number.  Fuck, same stats.  Now I hope/think that we'll be ahead of the stats for day 2 quality.  And day 3.
Mo - how long did/do you stay on that inflammation cocktail that CCRM put you on? Is it just before the transfer or do you stay on it for weeks?


  1. sorry that you're not happier with the results. I'm hoping those are nine good quality embryos that develop beautifully.

    as for the pepcid, prednisone, claratin recurrent miscarriage/inflammation cocktail, I started it a few days before embryo transfer and they want me to stay on it throughout the first trimester. are you going to try it?

  2. Thanks - I can't do the prednisone since my clinic doesn't support this cocktail. But I don't see why I can't try the pepcid and claratin. That CCRM consult sounded like they'd put me in the same plan as recurrent miscarriages. I know it's self-medicating but I think I want to try it. Thoughts?

  3. I know it's hard not to be disappointed, but 9 is still good! (Ok, well, it would be good for me anyway.) Let's just hope this is a good crop of 9. I went to a SIRM seminar in September, and Dr. Sher told a story (my 9/23/10 post if you care to read) about his twenty something year old daughter getting no normal eggs with her first retrieval and then mostly normal eggs on her next retrieval. So, I think it is reasonable to hope this month could be good :) Crossing my fingers for you!
