Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weird feeling

Thanks everyone!
I guess this takes a long time to sink in?  I keep having little bouts of feeling happy, relieved, relaxed, but in general I think it's hard to believe.  Every month I think my 2WW feels a little different, and then it starts feeling the same.  This time it never felt the same.  I didn't have daily headaches and I never had steady cramps.  That bloated feeling since Tuesday, I've never felt.  Still, it was very scary to test.
So, having never bought anything re: pregnancy, I have now bought 3 books.  One has some great recipes so I did a special grocery trip to buy some different items.  Now I'll wait until the beta results before I buy anything else.  I had my first blood test Friday so I'll get the results sometime Monday afternoon (it takes 1.5 regular working days to get blood results in my shitty little city).
I'm pregnant!


  1. Hopefully it will sink in - at least in about 8 months :)

  2. I'm at week 12 now and I'm just starting to feel like maybe I won't lose this one. Infertility does a number on your ability to have faith in your pregnancy. (I say that even though my struggle was relatively mild. I'm sure it's even harder if it has taken longer to get there.)
