Monday, November 29, 2010


My clinic doesn't really care about doubling time. Their protocol is to do one blood test a week and as long as it's still increasing within a large range of normal, u/s is scheduled for the next week.
So my 14dpo beta was 335.
The 20dpo beta was 1593.
This is in the range of normal but it is a big drop. And it means the doubling time is only 61hrs. They say they don't care about that but DON'T we?


  1. They vary so much. I wouldn't worry about it.

    E of 10stix had some early beta issues and she is in her 3rd trimester now, if you need some anecdotal comforting!

  2. You've been through SO much to get here, I'm sure it's impossible not to worry. But it IS going up, and indeed there's such a range of "normal." Remember: you're pregnant!

  3. My clinic looks for doubling every 48-72 hours if that helps :)

  4. hi - just surfing by your blog after i saw your comment on olive's post and thought id share our doubling time story. my partner is 30w pregnant with twins; her 14dpo beta was 264 and her doubling time was 59 hours. i was worried it wasn't that magical 48 hour number we all hear, but her pregnancy has progressed beautifully, with both babies thriving. hang in there, sounds like things are going great (and get ready for multiples!) ;) congratulations!!! :)
