Sunday, September 20, 2009


I kind of just wanted to type my day since people do it on the message boards and stuff.  I kept somewhat busy this weekend but when i wasn't i read several blogs and thousands of message board messages.  A lot of people start testing around this day.  I planned to wait until 9dp3dt.  BUT, on FF searching I found a lot of positives on 11dpo.  So I've convinced myself I could start testing that day.
I'm scared though. I'm very hopeful and keep self-talking my positive thoughts.  But I'm scared this didn't work and how depressed this could make me feel.  I've had such a rough time with negatives over the past year, and so much hope was in this IVF.  I know, we can do it again in a couple of months.  I'm just so tired of waiting.
I'm crampy this afternoon.  Not bad, but it's definitely there.  And it's not the retrieval pains I was having anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get your long awaited bfp very soon. FWIW, I have had cramping + tightness since 5dp5dt. I'll have my fingers crossed for you.
