Tuesday, September 8, 2009

CD 11 - huh

Today the u/s was done by the not-so-nice doc.  She is a grouch and doesn't like questions.
My right has 2 or 3 over the criteria (although one of them is a cyst), my left has 4 over the criteria.  There were a couple of others but she didn't measure them since "it looks like she has 4 ready".  I have the required amount and the criteria to "HCG" tomorrow night.  I asked her, "so does it look like I'm only going to get 4?".  She said "no, I didn't measure some.  You'll probably get 4 to 6".  Wow, that's really not a lot for the time, money, meds... as the other doc said "it is what it is".
Whatever that means.

Retrieval is on Friday, or CD14.  36 hours after I trigger.  I really need my husband's sperm to be AWESOME.  It has to compensate for my lack of egg production and fertilize all my eggs.  Will there be enough eggs to make it to transfer?

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